Friday, May 17, 2013

light drawings

This project was really fun and it took us alot of tries to get it right, but it was cool to learn about shutter speed and how the camera takes in the visible light.  The different glow sticks and  phones and lazer pointers made different levels of light and shapes.  Also the amount of time that we left them in the frame effected the outcome.

Monday, May 13, 2013

canvas painting - aurora borealis

If I were in the place that I painted, near the north pole, the air would be cold and crisp. It wouldn't smell like  much because the cold air would freeze your nose. I would feel the harsh, cold wind whipping against my face. Hearing the wind whistle and some birds far off in the distance. I conveyed this strong wind by using wispy brushstrokes and pastel like colors to show the wind blowing over the landscape.

Friday, April 26, 2013

adobe illustrator flower

These are the flower I made in Adobe Illustrator. The part that was most fun was playing with the colors and the bloat. It was a pretty easy task

Monday, April 22, 2013


This project was harder than the others. I think that mine didn't turn out that well and it looks creepy. When we were in the iPad lab I didn't really know what I wanted to do yet and i thought making darth maul out of clay would be pretty challenging. I wish i would have tried anyways though because it would be pretty cool.


The hardest part about this project was that the walls were so large and we started off making the patterns so small, it was a really fun project though. It wasn't very fun on the days in the courtyard that were really really hot. It was alot easier to do on the sidewalk than on the walls. If we did this project again I think it would be cool if there were more colors and they were brighter.

I thought that this project was pretty successful. We had to be creative and use our brain power to think of scenarios for perspective pictures. If we were to do this project again I think it would help to have more props to inspire us. Other than that, I think we did well on this project.